
Hero Img

Seacoast Science does not currently have any open positions.

If you have responded to a recent job ad placement for a remote job on Linked-in, Zip Recruiter or any other recruiting agency, we are sorry to inform you this is a SCAM. Please contact the recruiting company and report this. Seacoast Science does not currently have any openings; we are sorry this has happened to you.

If you’re a victim of this scam, report it to your local law enforcement.

You can also report this to the following agencies:

  1. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigates fraud and protects consumers.
  2. Interpol works as a global organization to help individuals who are a victim of a crime committed by someone from another country.
  3. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) monitors and reports different types of scams you could encounter.